Dr Graham Crook
M.B. Ch.B. M.R.C.P.(UK)
Consultant in General Medicine
& Chest Medicine
Reiki Master, Karuna Master,
SKHM Teacher

Dr Teresa Parrott
B.M. M.R.C.Psych.
Reiki Master, Karuna Master,
SKHM Teacher.

Reiki - A natural method of Healing



What is Reiki?

History of Reiki

Facts about Reiki

Levels of Reiki

Principles of Reiki

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Reiki 2 course

The Reiki 2 courses last a day and a half and the programme is detailed below:

The first day, from 10am till approximately 3pm consists of the theory and the initiation:

You will be given the three Reiki symbols and taught how to draw and use them. You will learn how to:

• Give hands on Reiki to someone using the mental symbol
• Give distant Reiki to someone using the mental symbol
• Use Reiki for protection
• Charge things with the energy of Reiki
• Send Reiki to the past
• Send Reiki to an issue
• Send Reiki to the cause of a condition
• Beam Reiki

You will also learn:

• The contraindications of Reiki
• About the Antahkarana
• How to use a mandala of crystals to send Reiki 24 hours a day

At the end of the first day is the initiation. You should take things easy on the evening following the intiation and avoid alcohol and any recreational drugs as you may be more susceptible to their effects. Be good to yourself.

The second day, from 10:30am until around 2pm, and consists of practicals:

• Give and receive a distant healing session
• Send healing in a group
• Send healing to a personal issue of each person in the group

The students can also ask questions about anything covered on the first day of the course, the contents of the manual or any other relevant matter.

Each course is personalised and for that reason, the maximum number of people on any course will be 6.

The price of the course is 250€ including diploma and manual.

After the course, each month from September to May, there is a Reiki exchange which any of my students can attend. Graham will be present, and each student will give and receive Reiki and can ask any questions.

Return to levels of Reiki

Reiki, SKHM, Seichim, Seichem, Sekhem, Egyptian Reiki, Graham Crook, Teresa Parrott, Sue Brotherton, Energy Works! Initiation without a Master, Patrick Zeigler, Reiki Master, Karuna SKHM Teacher, All-love-SKHM, SKHM-All-Love, Healing, Mediumship, Psychic, Emotional Healing, Workshop, Course, Maestro de Reiki, Profesor de SKHM, courses in small groups, personalised, free Reiki exchanges, Fuengirola, Benalmadena, Malaga, Costa del Sol, happiness, inner peace, balance, love yourself, learn Reiki, principles of Reiki, connect with the energy of Source, heal the pain of the past, shift your consciousness, and transform your life,
All the contents of this page including stories, articles, photos and illustrations are owned by Teresa Parrott and Graham Crook
© 2005 Teresa Parrott and Graham Crook.- Copyright

psychological emotional healing techniques, achieve rapid personal breakthroughs, Transforming the pain of the past, become healthier, happier, more aware of yourself on all levels, overcome fear, transform pain. sanación, bloqueos emocionales, curso, pequeños grupos, personalizado, intercambios de Reiki gratis, sanal el dolor del pasado, ponerse más sano, mas feliz, felicidad, mas consciente, paz interior, amarse, aprender Reiki, principios de Reiki, transformar tu vida, desarrollo personal, talleres, profesor de SKHM,